
Our story . . .

I came to a point professionally where I knew I needed a change but didn’t know what it would look like. The years I spent inside a Fortune 100 company made me comfortable with what I had, but my soul longed for something else. 

In the winter of 2020-2021, I decided work would come second and skiing (by myself or with my daughter) would be my priority. We were in the throes of a pandemic, being outside was the most normal thing we had. The idea for Snow Ghost Vintage Ski and Snow was born on a chairlift ride while skiing on Mount Hood.

I grew up in Northwest Montana with skiing 30 minutes from my home. I worked as a ski instructor during high school and the rest of the year at a local sporting goods store. My first year of college, I attended the local community college and skied 30 times in January. I loved everything about the snow. When I left Montana for college, my connection with the snow was paused.

I came back to the snow after my daughter was born. I was determined to have snow and skiing be a passion for her like it was for me. 

I will never forget my first solo run in many years. My heart was happy, my soul danced with joy. This was where I belonged!

I am bringing this feeling to Snow Ghost Vintage Ski and Snow. My goal is to return style back to the snow. I have curated a vintage collection of ski and snow wear that you will feel amazing wearing. 

This is just the beginning. With the help of the Girl Boss (my daughter) we have big plans for Snow Ghost Vintage Ski and Snow.

Please join us on the snow and along the journey!